How to Store Luxury Handbags

Woman taking handbag on shelf

Luxury handbags are definitely more expensive than your usual purses. Since they’re considered an investment because of their value, you may want to preserve them and take care of them in the best way possible. Some owners may not know it, but their methods of bag care might turn out to be even more harmful.

So how should you store luxury handbags? For starters, you need to clean them with the right solutions inside and out - baby wipes will do if you don't have these products. Stuff your bags to maintain their shape and place it in their dust bags on a spacious shelf. Because most of them are made with animal skin, you should air them out regularly and avoid direct sunlight.

How to Take Care of Luxury Handbags

It's crucial to have proper storage to take care of your handbag collection and get the most returns out of them. Designer bags may be made with premium materials, but you might want to prevent them from having substantial condition issues. Here are some things you need to remember:

1) Clean the Bag Regularly

You must still clean your luxury items, including your leather handbag collection to preserve their pristine look. Make sure to empty your beloved handbags after use. Dust out the contents from your luxury purse by turning them upside down and shaking them lightly. Inspect its interior for any marks that your contents may have caused.

Identify what type of material your bag has. You may use alcohol-free antibacterial wipes to wipe your luxury handbag. Another option is dampening a soft cloth with soapy water to clean the bag. After this, wipe it again to remove the soap. If your designer bag has a water stain, it's usually safe to just let them dry out naturally.

If you're not sure how to properly clean your luxury handbag, you may check the brand or the bag label for proper cleaning procedures. You may also call or visit their website for more information.

2) Stuff to Keep Its Shape

When storing your designer handbags, it's highly advisable to stuff them to keep the purse in shape. Place acid-free tissue paper or clean t-shirts or sweaters with soft fabric, not newspapers, but avoid overstuffing them. 

Some bag owners or collectors use newspapers to stuff their collectible handbags, which may damage the leather over time. The ink from the newspaper might transfer to the bag. Wrap your bag's chain strap and put them inside your bag. This will protect even the straps without leaving marks on the leather.

3) Put Inside the Dust bag

Avoid storing your handbags bare, and always keep them in their original dust bags. Placing them in dust bags will help prevent accidental tearing and provide better protection. 

Some collectors choose to display their handbags instead of putting them in dust bags. This shouldn't be an issue if they clean their bag regularly or have guests in to view their collection. However, sliding your bags in their dust bags makes it easier to manage them. If your luxury handbag didn't come with a dust bag, you may find and purchase them from other bag stores.

4) Store Bags Upright

It's best to place your bags in an upright position on a shelf with enough storage space. For storage bags, laying them flat shouldn't hurt. Avoid getting the handles squashed, and remove the strap if it's removable. 

Even if you're running out of space on your shelf, never hang your bags. Be it a collectible bag or not, it's best to avoid hanging them because this might ruin the shape of your bag.

5) Air Out Regularly

Air out your luxury handbags regularly. This is more advisable if you're storing them in dark storage without enough airflow, such as in a drawer or boxes. Air your bags outside or in an air-conditioned room to avoid moisture. 

It's best to do this routine especially if you're in a place with a humid climate. This will save your bags from having molds. It also helps to put silica gel packets in the drawers to soak up excess moisture.

6) Avoid Direct Sunlight

Plan where you intend to place your bag collection. Avoid placing them in a location that gets a lot of sunlight. Direct sunlight and even harsh lighting can badly damage your luxury handbags.

7) Use Maintenance Products

It's always a good idea to invest in maintenance products to prolong the quality of your luxury handbag. Leather handbags will eventually age, but these products will help with their maintenance. These products usually include a leather spray and a leather cream. 

Visit HG Bags Online for Authentic Luxury Bags

chanel bags

Collecting authentic designer handbags can be a good investment if you know your way, but purchasing them is just the beginning. To ensure that you’ll receive big returns or retain most of its value, you must preserve their condition and take care of them properly.

Here at HG Bags Online, we offer not only brand-new pieces. We also have authentic preowned designer handbags in great condition. Some of our preowned handbags even look brand-new. We have a wide selection of bags to choose from that are sure to suit your style. Get that luxury bag you’ve wanted and shop at HG Bags Online now.