
Many of you know us from our long standing history on Ebay as HGBags, as we have been selling authentic designer handbags online and via private e-mail list since 2002. We truly enjoy being able to offer you the most amazing sought after handbags, accessories and shoes at discounted prices. Feel free to check out our write up on the Purse Forum for real live feedback from our clients' buying experience with HGBags.

We pride ourselves on authenticity. All of our items are guaranteed authentic or your money back. The majority of our new stock is purchased from the brands directly via pre-order when the collections are first announced. All other stock is purchased first hand from authorized selling boutiques and department stores across the world that we have made longstanding relationships with over the years. Any item in our pre-owned section that we sell via consignment, goes through a very thorough and rigid incoming inspection for authenticity. If there is any doubt, that item will be rejected and not accepted into our store. Please check out the consignment details if you're interested in having us sell your pre-owned handbags, accessories, or designer shoes.

In our pursuit to offer superb customer service, we try to answer e-mails as soon as possible and maintain excellent communication with our customers.

All prices are listed in USD amounts.